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Player Character

The player character to be android in nature, as they will be travelling through different dimensions to meet different creatures. Larger shapes are used to define the body. Making round joints will allow for easy movement. The head is a sphere, complete with a ring which can rotate around like those on the ship do, reinforcing that imagery. The side profile shows the characters "bag", what they'll be using to carry the creatures they collect back to their base. Its a cylindrical container made of glass which can connect to the hook on their back.

Shrink Gun

The shrink gun's design is made to be non-intimidating, and uses a similar colour scheme to the player and ship to reinforce the identity between the three. It's decorated with stars painted onto a dark grey background, and the glass orb on the back end spins when charging for a shot.


Player Ship

The player's ship is round in design. Rings can rotate freely around the ship for extra dynamism when travelling through dimensions. There are other various utilities too, such as the lights at the bottom-front of the ship, and the hatches just above them, which house mechanical arms which can be controlled from inside. There are also 4 boosters underneath the ship, which are also able to freely move along the surface to propel the ship in any direction, as well as hatches for mechanical leg-like appendages, which support the ship when it's stationary.


Player Base Interior

This coloured concept highlights the different objects in the ship more clearly. The ships walls are lined with bookshelves, which can be filled with an array of books, which will need to be modelled. These won't need to have any specific imagery, just some colour and hint of pages for depth will do. The walls and floor are made of a wooden material, so this will need to be reflected in the final design. Other furnishings to be modelled include the carpet and the table and chairs in the center of the ship. Not pictured is the other half of the ship, which will need to show the giant glass window, as is depicted in my design of the outside of the ship. Also some kind of rustic looking control panel will need to be designed to keep with the theming of the inside of the ship. As the player creates more terrariums, books can be removed to create room. Certain terrariums can also be hung from the ceiling.



The player will be able to collect materials to craft different items. One group of such item will be the terrariums, where most of the game will be taking place. There are different kinds of terrarium, and they will have varying effects on the climate of the terrarium, and what creatures can be cared for in them. For example, open terrariums will be less humid, but won't be able to house any aquatic creatures, because of their inability to hold large amounts of water. There will also be different material costs to craft these terrariums. I will be listing some basic requirements here, but these will most likely change during development.

Prism Terrarium

  • 3 Glass

  • 3 Wood


Large Prism Terrarium

  • 5 Glass

  • 5 Wood

Sphere Terrarium

  • 4 Glass

Bottle Terrarium

  • 3 Glass

  • 1 Wood

Bowl Terrarium

  • 8 Glass

Cylinder Terrarium

  • 5 Glass

  • 2 Wood

Tank Terrarium

  • 10 Glass

  • 5 Wood

Material Icons

These are some basic material icons to denote what the player has in their inventory. I created two different water icons just because I wasn't sure what might denote the idea of water in the game better, but I think the bucket will as that is how I've planned the player creating aquatic environments. The glass icon may need more reworking too; it might be more clear in a more finished design.



I'm Logan Hunt, currently studying Games Design and Art at Winchester School of Art.


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