Week 5
I created designs for the card art to fit into, as well as designed more creatures for the game and helped Kat with the production of art. Me and Max also went to a 3D printing workshop to learn more about how to operate the printers, and how we could use the facilities to create miniatures for our project.
Card Designs
I finished the painting of the potted cat I made last week, based off of Kat's designs. Backgrounds aren't really my strong suit, especially in this painterly style, but I feel like I have improved by stretching outside of my comfort zone, and am proud of what I've created, especially the lighting.

Card Designs
There have been some thoughts on what I've painted. The main concern is that the greenhouse type background I've gone for doesn't really make sense when combined with the lore of the game, which is set in a time where these facilities may not have existed. I reckon I could make a quick fix of this, by swapping out the tiled floor for a dirt surface, but I'm concerned about the time we have left, as we have 5 more designs to run through in a couple more weeks. If I have time towards the end of our deadline, I'll quickly change this detail, but I think that the image will suffice for now.
I also designed some layouts for the cards and the designs for each of these. I showed the team, and we're all in agreement that the last design (yellow brackets) will be the most suitable for the cards. I've noted that this card might not necessarily be yellow; we will need to decide what colours each rarity should be, and they should all look appropriate on the cards.

Me and Max have plans to go to a showcase on Thurs about using the 3D printers and how we might be able to use them for our project. I've checked with James and we have the go ahead to go to that showcase.
I have some concerns about Kat, as she seems to be trying to shift the artstyle of our game into a completely different direction. This isn't ideal, as we have almost half the card designs already done in a painterly style, and now she's trying to make them more illustrative. I'm going to have to talk to her to see if I can try and get her back on track with the art direction we're doing.
3D Printing Workshop
Me and Max went to a talk down in Avenue campus about 3D printers, learning how to use them, and how we might be able to use them for our project. Some of the main takeaways for our project:
Use an .STL file
Thin details, such as the string on a bow for one of our characters, will need to be considered, to make sure that the structure doesn't break
The level of detail we're using
A smaller value (e.g. 0.2, means higher detail)​
Infill (how much the object is filled)
Square (sturdy)​
Triangle (slightly less, but still sturdy)
Other patterns, like zig zag
Models need points of contact to support themselves
Multiple points of contact are better​
Or a large surface on the ground
An adhesion film can also be placed to prevent the model from falling over when being printed​
This is removed once the model has cooled​
During the Preview stage of printing, Cura auto generates supports for the structure, and these can be removed as needed
Can use facilities to scan models
Max has already made a clay model in order to try this​
3D scanners (need to inquire about this again)​
Scans the model, but leaves a lot of artifacts​
These can be cleaned in Blender​
This process may take a couple days, so keep that in mind​
PLA is the current material they use to make the models, and water-soluble PVA is used for the supports
Leave the model in water for a few areas and it removes the supports​
Can use paints to add finer details
3D printer - Inspecting the printer (sharepoint.com)
The talk was very interesting, and I learned a lot about the processes used to create printed models. I think that me and Max should try and book the 3D printer for a trial session within the next couple weeks, so that we can get a good feel for how it works, and then we can print our own models. We could use the example that Luke provided, as well as bring the model Max made, to see how well it might hold up, and we can make changes as needed. Having learned all this, I also suggested Max makes the models stand purely on two feet, as opposed to any action sequences that might need additional support or might be at an angle.

Creature Designs
As Kat has said that she needs help with art, I have designed a couple more creatures for our game, bringing the total up to 10. I used the moodboards that I had set up for Kat to come up with the designs:
The final creature that needs designing is the Grand Beast, which we will need to talk more in-depth about. I'll be making some final art for the cards of these creatures, alongside helping Kat finish her cards as well.
Creature Designs
The first design is of a tortoise which lives in a cave. Moss has grown over its shell as a result of its environment. I think I'm starting to get a feel for the more painterly style of designs for these cards, and am proud of this result, particularly the contrast of the bright moss to the dark surroundings of the cave.
The second design is what I've dubbed the Briar Pup. They live amongst the brush, residing in burrows guarded by thorns and brambles. As an extra layer of protection, adults have sharp thorns all over their bodies. Young pups still have thorns, although they are weaker, as depicted by the lighter green thorns.

Card Design
I checked on makeplayingcards.com to see that the dimensions we're working with for the cards were correct. Much to my dismay, there were small differences everywhere throughout the design. However, I have found a fit for the card designs that has a suitable resolution, and leaves no gaps throughout the design when printing. It works, though I think I'll go back and recreate the bracket elements where the text will go, as these have distorted slightly from where I was trying to find a correct fit for the site.
Next Week
Due to being sick end of last week, I was recovering early this week too, so again I feel as if I haven't accomplished much. However, I have completed 3 creature designs, which brings our end of week total to 6, which is on track for our deadline. Max says that he's beginning to design the Grand Beast, which will also need card art done, too. I've also recreated the card designs, so there should be no last minute rush to fix that at the end of the project. I've also supported Max with learning what will be needed to create the player miniatures, and I'll be convening with him to organise a date to book the 3D printers for both a trial session, and a proper session to complete all the miniatures.