All the cards have been designed and sent off to be printed. I've also been seeing that the production of counters has been going smoothly.

Table Mats
I had a discussion with Max about the mats for the players to use, and how they should be defined. Max has used the card template I made for the mats, but I'll have to make another one and send it over to him, as blowing up the template will cause the quality to drop, which won't be appropriate for these products. We also agreed on making the mats landscape, as is usually seen, so Max will be able to make the rest of his work fit these dimensions.
I've also notified Kat of the situation of the Journey cards, but have gotten no response. I talked to Tim and he said that he had extra tasks for Kat to complete, which I was not made aware of, so I've gotten him to ask Kat if she's ok to join back for a couple days, as I haven't been able to reach her.

Remaining Cards
I managed to get Kat back on the team with Tim's help. I informed her of the remaining cards, and the designs that I had done in case she couldn't join our team again. She went above and beyond for the final card designs. I'm particularly happy with how Fork in the Road came out. With that, we've got the remainder of the cards done, and now I just have to wait for Kat to finish the back, and then for me to add the logo, and we can send those off to MPC.

My Designs
These were the designs I was working on for the final few cards. You can definitely see that the quality has dropped, and I think that's from the continued production of cards in the week and a bit before, due to losing Kat to help with the art. I should've said that I still needed her to help with cards, as we still had about half left to complete, rather than completing most of the rest on my own. I still need to work on being more assertive about what I need for the team to succeed.

Max has been proceeding well with the production of the counters. They're a decent size, and haven't taken very long to print off. However, he has said that there's a problem with the Ranger's rope and the Thief's dagger designs, so those will need to be reworked.

Card Back
Using Kat's background art, I have created some slightly different card back designs. I took Jake's logo and changed the simple black to rocks with glowing cracks through them, to reinforce the theme of the card layouts I created. I then added a light glow behind, to give off feelings of mystery and power, and then added a small outline to Kryat to make it stand out slightly from the background glow.

Final Cards
With that, I'm ready to send off our cards for printing. I've compiled them all here for easy viewing.

Fungal Cow
Capture: d6 _2
Reward: +1 d4
Penalty: -1 d6
Flavour Text: These creatures spend the day rolling throughout meadows and dancing amongst the flowers. The spores they produce from their head cause any in the vicinity to let down their guard
Ability: Lower the capture requirements (pick 1) of a creature by 1 [activate before capture attempt].

Capture: d4 _2
Reward: +1 d8
Penalty: -1 d4
Flavour Text: In mossy grottos, it lingers, gracefully swimming through the air. The fins on its head react to the growth of vegetation around it.
Ability: Increase or decrease a roll by 1.

Capture: d6 _3
Reward: +1 d4
Penalty: -1 d10
Flavour Text: Often seen scurrying around in the underbrush, Leafy enjoy munching on whatever veggies they can find whilst basking in the sun.
Ability: Gain a random die.

Briar Wolf
Capture: d8 _4
Reward: +1 d12
Penalty: -1 d8
Flavour Text: Briar pups grow up in thickets, resulting in a toughened demeanour. As they mature, they start to grow thorns on their body.
Ability: Attack a player, and they lose a die.

Cave Tortoise
Capture: d6 _3
Reward: +1 d8
Penalty: -1 d8
Flavour Text: Dwelling in solitude, the Cave Tortoise lingers with its thoughts. Spare it a moment, and let it share its wisdom.
Ability: Any dice you may lose in an attempt to capture a creature may be returned to you after [activate before a capture attempt].

Potted Cat
Capture: d4 _3, d6 _2
Reward: +1 d12
Penalty: -1 d4
Flavour Text: Placid and calm, Potted Cats spend the majority of their day slumbering in pots, soaking up the sun's rays.
Ability: Skip your turn, and gain 2 random dice.

Fey Frog
Capture: d12 _6, d10 _4
Reward: +1 d6, +1 d10
Penalty: -
Flavour Text: Residing in lakes filled with otherworldly energy, the Fey Frog is able to draw out creatures from the beyond.
Ability: Raise a discarded creature from your discard pile to your hand.

Capture: d10 _8, d8 _7
Reward: +1 d12, +1 d8, +1 d6
Penalty: -1 d4, -1 d6
Flavour Text: A tricky creature, they travel through a network of underground tunnels, able to appear in various locations almost instantaneously.
Ability: Swap your dice with another player.

The Twins
Capture: d12 _9, d4 _3
Reward: +1 d10, +1 d6, +1 d4
Penalty: -1 d10, -1 d12
Flavour Text: Seldom seen except for in small bodies of water, The Twins always come in pairs.
Ability: Double the number of a dice type of your choice in your hand. [e.g. 2 d6 becomes 4 d6).

Evergreen Guardian
Capture: d12 _3, d10 _4, d8 _3, d6 _3
Reward: +1 d20, +1 d12, +1 d10, +1 d8
Penalty: -1 d6, -1 d10, -1 d12
Flavour Text: Guardian of the forest, wherever it walks, flowers bloom, grass blankets the earth, and trees tower up to the sky.
Ability: Gain 3 random dice.

All-Consuming Venus
Capture: d12 _4, d10 _3, d6 _2
Counter: 200
Penalty: -1 d6, -1 d10, -1 d12
150 - Gain +1 dice to all dice rewards of your next creature caught
100 - gain 2 random die
50 - gain 1 die of your choice
Flavour Text: Roaming the forests, the beast scours the land for its next meal. Be wary, for any caught in its maw will meet an untimely demise...

Frostbitten Hand
Flavour Text: A hand coated in permafrost, whoever bears the burden of carrying it will forever be frozen.
Ability: [Item] Force a player to give up their turn.

Golden Sundial
Flavour Text: From a culture lost to time, this sundial is said to be imbued with an ancient power from the sun.
Ability: [Item] Gain an extra turn.

Ancient Shield
Flavour Text: Made from the wood of trees grown by the Evergreen Guardian, this shield is able to guard against attacks of any nature.
Ability: [Item] Guard against an enemy player's attack or ability.

Charge Flask
Flavour Text: Travellers and adventurers have found a way to store charges, letting them use them in a pinch to gain more power.
Ability: [Item] Gain 2 charges.

Trading Post
Flavour Text: Ancient technology has been repurposed for everyday living. Now adventurers from all over the world can communicate and barter with one another.
Ability: Trade dice, items and creatures with other players.

Fallen Grace
Flavour Text: Light felled from the heavens to lift up those who are in anguish. Rest, O weary one, and let the warmth of light embrace you.
Ability: The player with the least dice gains 1 of their choice.

Eat The Rich!!!
Flavour Text: A symbol of freedom and equality throughout the land, the Gilded Guillotine judges the greed of others. Most are too put off by the consequences to hoard their wealth...
Ability: The player in first must give up 2 dice to the player in last (last player's choice).

Fork in the Road
Flavour Text: There comes a time in every adventurers life where they must make a choice. What will you choose...?
Ability: Roll a d6. If it's even, draw a creature card. If it's odd, lose a creature card.

Heart of the Forest
Flavour Text: In the depths of the forest there lays a tree said to support all life. The fruit that grows at its core grants immeasurable vitality.
Ability: Temporarily gain 3 dice of your choice. Return at the end of the turn that they have been consumed.

Lush Woodlands
Flavour Text: The forest hides many creatures. Though some are difficult to find, all it takes is a different perspective to unveil them.
Ability: Draw 2 creature cards from the deck. Choose 1 to add to your hand, then return the other and shuffle the deck.

Pre-emptive Strike
Flavour Text: Skilled adventurers may be able to gain an advantage over a Grand Beast. Think carefully, and then... Strike!
Ability: Roll a d20. Deplete the Grand Beast counter by the amount you have rolled.

Poacher Camp
Flavour Text: Gangs of thieves gather together to steal whatever they can find. Money, items, even creatures. Ambush them and send those miscreants running.
Ability: Gain back a discarded creature.
Final Cards
Altogether, I'm very happy with how the cards turned out. Although I was concerned with my ability to keep up with Kat's art direction, I feel that I did a satisfactory job, but the last couple of cards I worked on could have used a little more polish to match the quality of the rest. I'm glad that Kat's happiness with the project has definitely shone through in her work, and am happy with her sustained motivation throughout the project. Now that the cards have been designed, I just need to send them off to MPC so that they can get printed, then we can move on and help Max with his work.

Makeplayingcards Order
I've successfully compiled all our cards, and designed a tuckbox using the cardback that me and Kat made together. However, what I didn't realise is that the card box I used was for 18 cards, and not 55. However, Eling, one of the workers at MPC notified me of my mistake, and I was able to quickly fix that. It's estimated that they'll be delivered between the 5th and 9th of May, which gives us at least 10 days for if anything goes wrong during production.
What Next
I'm going to take the next couple of weeks off, with maybe working on a couple of small things should I feel like it or if Max needs help with his work, as I could feel myself burning out towards the last couple of weeks. Max is quite busy with his models still, as well as overseeing the counters, so I might start work on the rulebook. We talked about reusing art for the rulebook, but as I said scaling is a concern, so I had the thought to make the rulebook like a sort of journal, with old tea-stained pages as the background, making it seem like players are on a long adventure. I'll make a page to and show the concept to the team.