Week 10
I created a survey to decide on which of the new designs I've made we should choose for the final version of the game. I've also begun thinking about our poster to advertise our game for the arcade event. Max also worked on the Trade Post model for our game.
I've made a survey to see which of our new designs for the cards is most suitable for the final version of our game. The questions I've asked are as follows:
Which card do you think is the most readable?
Which card do you think is the least readable?
Which card do you think looks the best?
Which card would you be most comfortable playing with? (Considering both readability and looks)?
Any specific sentences/information you had trouble reading?
I've asked these questions to determine some obvious factors, like the most and least readable card, as well as more aesthetic based questions, to make sure that our cards are still looking good, as well as being readable. I've also asked an open question to determine if certain pieces of information are unclear, in order to change those if necessary.
Link to survey: https://forms.gle/HWUECsWy4kQqQAsm6









Survey Summary
It seems that number 5 (Book Antiqua) is the most readable so far, with over 50% of the votes, followed by 4 (Gill Sans). 3 (Algerian) and 7 (Apollo) also got 1 vote each.
The vast majority voted on our original design (Holy Empire) being the least readable. It hurts to see so many agree so unanimously, but I want what's best for the project to succeed, so we won't be using this design anymore. 6 (Arthead) and 9 (Papyrus) also got 2 votes each, followed by 8 (Santana).
The next two questions got much more varied responses. In terms of what card looked the best, a third voted for 3. The next highest choice was 9, followed by 2 (Algerian and Holy Empire), and then smaller varied responses.
Arguably the most important question, what card would each player be most comfortable playing with. This question had a slightly more condensed set of choices, with nearly 40% voting for number 5. This is the choice that I expected would get chosen in the end, and also happens to be my favourite next to our original design. 3 got the next most votes, almost tied with 4, which was next. Number 2 and 9 also got equal votes.
I'll need to have a discussion with the rest of the group to get their opinions, but so far I am leaning towards number 5. It doesn't quite fit the aesthetic as much as Holy Empire does, but I think Book Antiqua still makes the cards feel like they have ancient texts written on them. The font especially goes well with the aesthetic of the rulebook I've created as well. Along the same lines, I think 9 could fit as well, though it isn't as clear as 5 is.
One choice that I'm not very fond of is 4. Although it was voted 2nd most readable, and 3rd in terms of being comfortable to play, Gill Sans just doesn't fit the look of the cards that we're going for. As such I will be ruling out this choice.

Trading Post
Max has completed a model for the Trading Post, which brings together all the pieces for our game. I've also made some suggestions for what colours the counters could be, which me and Max can discuss today.

Deconstruct the project, take a critical analytical approach, and avoid making the same mistakes for future projects.
Summarise what we have learned and process to avoid making the same mistakes
Outlines officially the feelings of the team regarding the success of the project.
4 things:
Project Goals​
Normally 3 - 5​
To create a vertical slice by MM YY
Improve technical skills
Generate income
Build community
Be specific when assessing these goals, not just successful or unsuccessful
Prefer on budget as over or under shows you can't calculate a budget, don't know your team well enough​
Personal Project Goals
Developing personal skills aside from the project goals​
The Good and The Bad
List of around 5 things that went well/bad​
Written from the perspective of the person fulfilling their role
4 - 7pm?​
2 - 3 tables per space
Hang stuff from the ceilings/posters
27th May

Arcade Poster
I've made a mockup poster for the arcade event, which we've decided to be the 27th May. There are some contrast issues that need fixing, as it's quite hard to read the brown font at the moment, but I think the posing of the Grand Beast helps to evoke the feeling of danger as you're trying to defeat the beast. I'll fix the writing by adding some yellow highlights like I have with the card border to keep in line with the visual theming I've set out.
Next Week
After collecting opinions on my survey, I'm going to send the new Grand Beast design to Max to be printed and laminated. We never had a proper discussion about painting the counters so that will need to be done too. I also want to try and get Kat on board to do the art for the poster, as I feel she'll be able to do a better job at painting the Grand Beast.